Sunday, November 15, 2009

Crunch Time/Gratitude

I'm coming to the end of a semester. I'm stressing out! The strange thing is I'm so happy to be back in school. I didn't think that I would have enjoyed school so much. I still don't have down the perfect schedule of getting my home work done in a timely manner. I could be more diligent in my projects, and I still procrastinate when I should be studying, but I'm enjoying the journey.

Yesterday in my History of Special Educations class the teacher talked for five hours about laws and acronyms, but I loved it. After class there were people saying that it was such torture being there, but I felt differently. I was glad I was there, and it was so neat to see someone who could talk for five hours about a subject most people would consider extremely boring. She knew everything. I love being around people who know their stuff.

I have so much to do in the next three weeks. I can't even tell you how overwhelmed I feel, but I'm glad I'm here. I'm enjoying the subjects I'm studying. I guess what I'm learning will help me to be a good mother someday, or a better aunt now. So this education is already showing some benefits.

In church today the sacrament meeting was on gratitude. I was thinking as the talks were given that I have so much! I'm going to school to get a masters like I have always wanted to do. I have the chance to be close to my sister and be back in her life and be a part her daughters. I have wonderful friends here in New York and back in Utah and all over the country. I'm finally feeling hope again. Then I think what has changed? I've started praying again and reading my scriptures daily. It feels good to be moving in the right direction.

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